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Six people dressed in formal attire about to christen a ship.
Date Taken:
March 28, 1968
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License Type:
Public Domain

The christening of the research vessel Hero. The ship's sponsor, Mrs. Leland Haworth, wife of National Science Foundation director Leland Haworth, is second from left, prepared to smash the traditional bottle of champagne against the vessel's bow with the words, "In the name of the United States, I christen thee Hero."

This event was at the Harvey Gamage shipyard in South Bristol, Maine.
In addition to Mr. and Mrs. Haworth, other distinguished guests included Representative Peter Kyros (Maine), Tom Jones (NSF), Thomas Pross (U.S. Maritime Admin.), Stanley Potter (ship designer), and Harvey Gamage (ship builder).
More information about the launching of the Hero can be found in the May-June 1968 edition of The Antarctic Journal.

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