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Wooden cross.
Date Taken:
November 22, 2008
Photograph By:
Robyn Waserman, NSF
License Type:
Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

The cross on Wind Vane Hill at Cape Evans was erected by the Ross Sea Party in memory of three men who died in 1916. Shackleton wrote the following on a paper scroll placed inside a copper tube next to the cross: "ITAE, 1914-1917, Sacred to the Memory of Lt. Aeneas Lionel A. Mackintosh RNR, V.G. Hayward and The Rev. A.P. Spencer-Smith BA, who perished in the service of the expedition, Things done for gain are nought, But great things done endure. I ever was a fighter so one fight more, The best and last, I should hate that death bandaged my eyes and bid me creep past, Let me pay in a minute life's arrears of pain darkness & cold." Visit the New Zealand Antarctic Heritage Trust website for more information on the preservation of these historic artifacts and sites.

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